I try not to think of my dates as wastes of time but, frankly, many of them are…like number 40…. Again, not sure who contacted who first (but I think he contacted me) but we went back and forth a bit and then had a nice (but brief) phone call so I thought this might have potential..silly, silly me!
The date was comfortable, even nice, except for one thing…one BIG thing! He was an entrepreneur and he had a very unusual business model that I won’t even pretend I understood (he even bragged about how many times he has been sued–nice, huh?) and he felt he was racing against the clock to get as much out of it before it was closed down (I kid you not!) He didn’t even like to sleep cause it took time away from work! And, yes, after leaving the date–he went back to his office!
I have no problem with men who work a lot. I have no problem if you decide to work 24/7–that is your choice. But why are you even dating? A new relationship takes time and effort and if you don’t have either to give, do women a favor and stay out of the game!
Lesson Learned:
1. This is not my lesson but for others out there: if you don’t have time for a new relationship–please don’t waste the time of those seriously looking! Work can come first, but if that’s all you have time for–wait until your timing is better to date.