The Avocado Parable


I imagine you must be wondering what an avocado tree has to do with dating?  Well, I will tell you….

I decided I wanted fruit trees when I moved back to California.  I bought orange, lemon, tangerine, lime and avocado trees and set them up in my backyard.  I watered them faithfully.  I fertilized them as recommended.  They grew bigger every season.  And every season I got lemons, oranges, limes and tangerines.  And not one avocado.  I asked friends what to do to get my avocado tree to produce and it was suggested I get a second tree cause avocados do better in pairs.  So I did–until that second one died!  And still not a single avocado.

At this point I was dating Mr IM and I kept on showing him the tree every time it got a leaf bud on it and telling him that was an avocado.  But it was not–they were just leaves.  Years passed–I have had some of those trees for nearly 5 years now–like my avocado.  And you know what–I looked at my tree a couple of weeks ago and finally–I have avocados!  Like 12 of them!  I wanted to do a happy dance!

I had pretty much resigned myself to having an avocado tree that would never produce–even though I treated it with the same care I did all my other trees that produced many times over.  I guess it just needed to take its time and bloom when it was ready to–not on my schedule.  And what does this have to do with dating–well, everything!  You put your time in. You do all the right things and you still don’t see results…and then one day, boom! Things finally click.  You find your person. And you eat fresh guacamole together.   At least that’s how I want to see it….

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