I am making a huge effort to not just pick guys I have an attraction to, but those who have interesting profiles/backgrounds. Enter Number 32. He was not traditionally handsome (in my eyes), but he seemed to be very smart and well-rounded and that was attractive to me. In fact, he might have been a bit too smart…
For some reason, my dates come in clusters and this was my 3rd date in this week. For some other reason, I never double checked my date time and I thought it was for 7 pm. As I pull into a space at 6:45 (my usual early), my phone rings–apparently the date was for 6:30 and instead of being 15 minutes early, I am now 15 minutes late! (and I hate being late!!) I jump out of the car and run into the meeting place–another coffee spot I had been to at least twice before. I make my apologies and start to relax.
One of the things that really appealed to me about Mr. 32 was that he was in a band (on the side–not his main job) Now I love music and was very excited to talk music with someone who really appreciated it. But Mr. 31 also had his PHD and he liked talking about that a bit more than he did about his music. I imagine I would be proud if I had a PHD, but I’m not sure I would want to discuss it with strangers but maybe I would. Anyway, the chemistry was non-existant and the date ended after an hour or so and he walked back to my car.
As soon as I got to my car, I saw I had left my lights on in my haste to get in the coffeeshop…and I just knew my engine would be dead! I didn’t, however, want him to see that so I jumped in my car and casually turned the lights off before I said good night. He gave me a hug and walked away–and I spent the next 30 min in a near-vacant parking lot on the phone with a girlfriend while waiting for AAA to come jump start my car! I guess the smarter my dates, the stupider I become…note to self: keep away from the PHD’s
Lessons learned:
1. Always double check your meeting place/time. If I had looked at my calendar, I wouldn’t have been late and wouldn’t have rushed and, one can hope, I wouldn’t have left my lights on in my haste. Very stupid mistake.
2. Sometimes having 3 dates in a week is too much–it might help to space them out a bit more.