Dating is a tough business. And online dating is even worse. After I have been online dating for awhile, it just gets to me. I get tired of not hearing from those I want to hear from–and getting interest from people that I have zero interest in. After the debacle that was date 33, I decided it was time for a break.
And it’s actually freeing to give it up… I can check my e-mail without looking to see who did (or didn’t) write to me. I don’t have to struggle to respond to e-mails from people I have no interest it (and it is a struggle–I’m never looking to be mean–these people deserve the same courtesy as I do from those I write to–but you try telling someone you have no interest in them in a nice way–it’s not easy at all!) I can focus on anything else but dating–it really is good to take a break and recharge.
Not sure how long I will be off, but trying to hold out until the start of 2015–hopefully I will feel ready to dive in again at that point…we shall see!