So my self-imposed exile from online dating lasted about 3 months. And it was good to take a break from the pressure. But it also was 3 months without any male companionship at all so by early January I was rested, recharged and ready to start again. With it being about 6 months since I broke up with Mr. IM, I thought it was time to get back on Match–I was prepared that I could see him on there and I was prepared to handle it. (right? ugh!)
Almost as soon as I got back, I came across a nice looking guy who was from back east and I sent him an e-mail. He responded right away and we made arrangements to meet–at the exact same place I had met my last date! What can I say–I’m certainly a creature of habit. Anyway, we met and once again–it was fine. Just fine. I can’t even remember what we talked about, but it was just…nice. No sparks…no fireworks….no interest. I was actually wondering why he was on match cause he really didn’t seem very interested in dating-anybody! Maybe he needed to take a break–I don’t know! As you can imagine, our first date was also our last one–not the best date to break my hiatus, but given some of the dates I’ve had–not the worst either! Number 35, you’re up!
One quick note: By the time I got back on Match, I had been off it for over 27 months–I was honestly shocked at the number of guys who were still on it from the last time I had been there! Now maybe, like me. they were off for awhile in this time period but I just don’t know. Anyway, it is discouraging to see the same faces from over 2 years ago–how many people are actually able to get off this damn website and find true love?? Maybe coming back was not the best idea! (oh, I have never seen Mr. IM–probably cause he’d rather stay in his bad relationship than end it and try to find a new one!)
Lesson learned:
1. Taking a break is good, but don’t expect that much will change when you get may have left for awhile, but the website goes on and on!