Just checking in….


My mom would be horrified about what I post on this blog.  At least she would be if she reads this blog.  But I think I’m safe because I don’t think she does.  As a matter of fact, I don’t really know if anyone does–except whoever is reading this post at the moment–thank you!

I started writing this blog as therapy after a frustrating date as a way for me to work through some of the emotions that dating (especially online) brings up at my age (52 when I started).  Although you can find endless books on dating and relationship advice (just search it on Amazon), I still felt very alone and isolated  and writing helped me deal with those feelings.  I also thought, maybe foolishly, that my experiences–the good, the bad and the crazy–might help someone else going through the same thing understand that they may not be crazy after all:  it’s the process that’s crazy!

That being said, honesty is a key element to keep this blog real.  I really hesitated to give the gory details of date #29 but in the end realized that honesty is vital to me.  Not sharing the whole story of that date just wouldn’t be honest in my book and I had to sacrifice my dignity to maintain my integrity.  So there it is…my truth for your entertainment value. And hopefully you can learn from my mistakes.  And, even more hopefully, I can actually meet the right guy and stop making stupid mistakes…but don’t despair–I have many more bad dates to document yet.  The fun continues….

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