I met Number 31 on a website for more ‘mature’ daters. Yet again here was a guy who seemed to have it all on paper–good job, similar interests and he loved dogs! And once again my hopes were higher than they should have been..
This man lived closer to me than almost anyone else I had ever dated–literally walking distance. Which would have been great if we clicked but also could have been weird if we didn’t–as it turned out, I’ve never come across him again so it was not an issue at all. But being so close turned the coffee place nearest my home into the designated meeting place once again-making him the 4th person I have met here–I really have to vary my meeting places unless they are willing to give me a frequent buyer discount…
So we met in the evening for coffee. And, like so many other dates, it was fine. Just fine. He seemed very sweet–the best word I can think of is earnest. He was brand new to dating again and seemed very unsure of what to do next. I actually thought this could be a good thing because it seems the longer you date, the more jaded you get and I personally liked his newbie enthusiasm. I sat there waiting and hoping for the sparks to hit, but nothing. I wasn’t willing to let this one go yet, so after I thanked him for the date (via text), we did make other plans to walk our dogs together. Figured it was a good way to get together again, especially since we lived so close.
I have to say I was a bit worried about a doggie date–my dog (who has since passed away and I miss everyday!) tended to get a bit stubborn and jealous and I just wasn’t sure how he would handle being walked with another guy and 2 other dogs. Turns out he was an angel–it was his dogs that were the issue! Whew–you know you love it when your kid is not the one causing trouble and that’s just how I felt. We did a bit of walking around the area but one of his dogs was just not cooperating so we cut it a bit short. Again, nice but no sparks. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Really not worth going on another date again and I think he realized it. Once again, what seemed promising on paper–not so promising in reality. Next?
Lesson Learned:
1. Give someone a second shot if you think it’s worth it–I keep waiting for fireworks to hit me like they did with Mr. IM but it’s not happening–I think I need to accept that relationships can build slowly and still be great.
2. Beware when you bring animals–if they don’t get along, it could cut a promising date short. But I do believe in the old adage that if your dog doesn’t like someone, pay attention! Pets are sometimes better judges of character than we are!