Number 25…..this one kills me… I think I met him when he expressed interest in me–he was nice looking, had a good job and lived in a nice area–what’s not to like? I wrote back right away and he gave me his number and said he would wait for my call…despite my dislike for cold calling, I called him first chance I got.
The phone call went fine–not the exciting ‘can’t get a word in edgewise’ kind of way of some of my phone calls, but fine. My biggest concern–not a bit of humor there..not even a little. As I go through my dates, I am really trying to hone in on what I am looking for in the ‘one’ and I have determined that humor is essential..if you can’t make me laugh, I just don’t think it’s going to work. Regardless, we made plans to meet at a local coffee shop (and, gee, I had only been there on one other date) and talk.
He actually looked very much like his pictures-very nice looking. This was promising! We talked for about 1.5 hours–again, very comfortable but no real humor (or sparks, dammit). I was determined to give this one a chance to grow, though, and we ended with saying we would try to see each other again…and unlike so many of my other dates–he actually texted me the next day and we met again that afternoon–this time for a beach walk.
This date also went fine–and fine is good–but not what you want in a relationship! After our walk, we went to a nearby coffee shop (that I had never been to-imagine that!) to hang out a bit more. And it was fine. Just fine. Not special. No sparks, no laughter. Just fine. Unfortunately, I think I need more than fine–and Mr. 25 is just not the one to give it to me–regardless of how good he looked on paper (and, well, in person). Damn.
Lessons learned:
1. Give someone a second chance if you think there’s at least some potential, but don’t give up what you are looking for if it’s just not there.
2. How someone looks on paper means nothing in the long run–you are spending time with a person, not a resume.
3. Some dates you just really want to work out. Damn